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Pre-Procedure Instructions

The following instructions are designed to provide you with a safe and comfortable experience.

  • Endoscopy center requires you to pre-register at least 2-3 days prior to your procedure at the Gastroenterology Clinic. When you register, please be sure to inform us if you are on any blood thinners. You will receive instructions in regards to your procedure and what preparations are needed prior to it. Please assure that if a prep-kit is required that you have purchased the prep-kit for your examination and fully understand how to use it.

  • Please arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure. If you do not have transportation arrangements your procedure will be cancelled and rescheduled at a more convenient time.

  • Bring all insurance cards and forms.

  • Bring all current medications to the Center for the physician or nurse to review.

  • If you wear eye glasses, bring them with you in order to complete paperwork.

  • Wear loose fitting clothes and avoid wearing boots or high heeled shoes. Jewelry and other personal items should be left at home.

  • Please assure that you have followed all instructions given at registration in regards to preps, medications and food & drink restrictions.



comfortable experience at the Endoscopy Center


The Center is committed to providing our patients
with the highest quality of care available.